Precision cleaning medium for SMT adhesive removal

Your Benefits ZESTRON® HC

It is a modified alcohol-based cleaning agent designed to remove SMT adhesives from tools such as dispensing nozzles. It can also be used for the removal of solder particles and dust from pick & place nozzels.

  • Removal of SMT adhesives
    Reliable removal of SMT adhesives from dispensing nozzles and tools.
  • Fast and residue-free drying
    The cleaning agent dries fast and residue-free.
  • Very simple application
    The medium is offered in an aerosol can with a special spray adapter for dispenser nozzles. This facilitates the application and guarantees a quick and safe cleaning result.
  • Precise cleaning of pick & place nozzles
    The cleaning agent is also applicable for the removal of solder particles and dust from pick & place nozzles.
  • No halogenated compounds
    The product does not contain any halogenated compounds and is therefore environmentally friendly.

Product features

Maintenance cleaning

manual cleaning

Manual cleaning

