Avoid Failures Before They Occur

Tailor-Made. Reliable. Experienced. - ZESTRON Reliability & Surfaces


Ionic or particulate contamination on the surface can cause electronic assemblies to malfunction. To minimise the risk of failure and ensure reliability, our experienced Reliability & Surfaces Team (R&S) offers customised technology coaching.

Electrochemical migration, leakage current or a short circuit are typical failure mechanisms. Within the scope of technology coaching, our R&S team advises and supports you on how to avoid failures and produce reliable, moisture-resistant assemblies - along the entire value chain.

Two employees are conducting a surface cleanliness analysis of electronic assemblies in the laboratory. | © @The Sour Cherry Fotografie - Michaela Curtis

YOUR ADVANTAGESAvoid Failures and Produce Reliable Assemblies

1.  Preventive assessment of the risk of default before production starts

2.  Analysis of failures during validation tests

3.  Cause analysis in case of damage in the field


SOLUTION-ORIENTEDDriven by Reliability

On the way to solving your challenge, the first step is to identify the (potential) failure mechanism. To do this, we use a wide range of analytical methods such as SEM/EDX, ion chromatography or fracture stress analysis. We put the results into the overall context of your problem and then work out feasible measures to solve it.

Two laboratory employees inspect a printed circuit board for surface cleanliness of electronic assemblies. | © @The Sour Cherry Fotografie - Michaela Curtis

Technology coachingReliability is No Coincidence - Benefit From our Technology Coaching

Everything From a Single Source
Analysis, interpretation and remedial action

Analyses and solutions tailored to your challenge

Signing of an NDA on request

Max. 5 weeks processing time from placing of order and receipt of the objects of investigation

Many Years of Success
Continuously updated in research projects and studies

TECHNOLOGY COACHING PACKAGESEmpowering Solutions: Explore Our Specialized Technology Coaching

Every challenge is individual. But our experience shows that some problems occur more frequently than others. In order to be able to help you even faster and in a more targeted manner, we have therefore put together packages with the appropriate analyses.

A laboratory employee sits at his desk and looks at a picture of an electronic assembly on the computer screen to analyse the purity determination. | © @The Sour Cherry Fotografie - Michaela Curtis

Risk Assessment of Particles on Electronic Assemblies

We check the safety of your assembly with regard to short circuits and impairment of insulation coordination triggered by conductive particles.

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Two engineers stand in front of the ion chromatography analyser to check the ionic contamination on a circuit board. | © @The Sour Cherry Fotografie - Michaela Curtis

Control of Processed Solder Pastes and Fluxes on Electronic Assemblies

We analyse whether the fluxes used comply with the specifications, especially with regard to ROL0 requirements and required tracking resistance/paintability.

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A laboratory employee sits at a desk in front of a microscope and carries out a visual damage analysis to determine the contamination of the electronic assembly. | © @The Sour Cherry Fotografie - Michaela Curtis

Conformal Coating: Validation and Routine Testing

The protective effect of the coating against electrochemical migration, leakage current and corrosion is verified by means of tests.

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An engineer performs a routine test to validate the protective coating of the PCB. | © @The Sour Cherry Fotografie - Michaela Curtis

Risk Assessment of Leakage Currents and Condensation

We determine the hygroscopicity and corrosivity of ionic impurities and thus the risk of leakage currents and condensation.

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