protective measures climatic stress

Selection of Protective Measures Against Climatic Stress

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[Dr. Helmut Schweigart]

Electronic assemblies are often exposed to climatic stresses during operation. In this case there is the need to choose protective measurements.

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Article number: EN-1705-02

PCB Production / Analytics

Selection of Protective Measures Against Climatic Stress

Electronic assemblies are often exposed to climatic stresses during operation. In this case there is the need to choose protective measures. The market offers a high variety of approaches to protect assemblies. So beside technical aspects there are also commercial aspects which influence the decision. The paper discusses decision aspects, which are based on the GfKORR guideline for application of conformal coating.

Surface cleanliness Zestron Schweigart | © @The Sour Cherry Fotografie - Michaela Curtis

Dr. Helmut Schweigart

Head of Reliability & Surfaces, ZESTRON Europe

Dr. Helmut Schweigart obtained his doctorate for research into the reliability of electronic sub-assemblies, and he has been employed at ZESTRON Europe since the early days of the company. He is now Head of Reliability & Surfaces Team. He is also a member of the Board of Management at GfKORR (Gesellschaft für Korrosionsschutz - a company specialising in corrosion inhibitors) as well as an active member of GUS (Gesellschaft für Umweltsimulation - an environmental simulation company) and of the IPC. He has already published numerous technical articles.